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Экспериментальное обоснование
методов повышения эффективности процессов сепарации
труднообогатимого алмазосодержащего сырья |
Информация об авторе |
Мирнинский политехнический институт (филиал) СВФУ им. М. К. Аммосова, Мирный, Россия1 ; Институт проблем комплексного освоения недр им. академика Н. В. Мельникова РАН, Москва, Россия2
Двойченкова Г. П.1,2, главный научный сотрудник, проф., д-р техн. наук, dvoigp@mail.ru
Институт проблем комплексного освоения недр им. академика Н. В. Мельникова РАН, Москва, Россия Чантурия В. А., главный научный сотрудник, академик РАН Тимофеев А. С., старший научный сотрудник, канд. техн. наук
НИТУ МИСИС, Москва, Россия
Морозов В. В., проф., д-р техн. наук |
Библиографический список |
1. Leontiev R. G., Arkhipova Yu. A. Development of the mining complex of the Russian Far East. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. Vol. 723, Iss. 5. ID 052014. 2. Ivannikov A. L., Kongar-Syuryun C., Rybak J., Tyulyaeva Yu. The reuse of mining and construction waste for backfill as one of the sustainable activities. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Vol. 362. ID 012130. 3. Goryachev B. E. Technology of diamond-bearing ores. Diamonds, kimberlites, kimberlite minerals. Mineral-raw material base of diamond-extraction industry of the world : Textbook. Moscow: MISiS, 2010. 326 p. 4. Klyuev R. V., Bosikov I. I., Mayer A. V., Gavrina O. A. Comprehensive analysis of the effective technologies application to increase sustainable development of the natural-technical system. Ustoychivoe razvitie gornykh territoriy. 2020. Vol. 12, No. 2(44). pp. 283–290. 5. Ignatieva M. N., Yurak V. V., Logvinenko O. A. Natural capital. Approaches to economic assessment. Eurasian Mining. 2021. No. 1. pp. 39–44. 6. Bogdanovich А. V., Vasilyev А. М., Urnysheva S. А. Effect of diamond-bearing ores preparation on the technology of their beneficiation. Obogashchenie Rud. 2017. No. 2. pp. 10–15. 7. Chanturia V. A., Kozlov A. P., Shadrunova I. V., Ozhogina E. G. Top-priority areas for the advance of pilot studies and applied research into commercial-scale utilization of mineral mining and processing wastes. Gornaya promyshlennost. 2014. No. 1. pp. 54–57. 8. Chanturia V. A., Godun K. V., Zhelyabovsky Yu. G., Goryachev B. E. State-of-theart of the diamond industry in Russia and in world’s top diamond-producing countries. Gornyi Zhurnal. 2015. No. 3. pp. 67–75. 9. Konnova N. I., Kikin S. V. Theory and practice of modern separation in dense medium. Modeling dense medium separation. Krasnoyarsk : Sibirskiy federalnyi universitet, 2013. 118 p. 10. Napier-Munn T. The dense medium cyclone – past, present and future. Minerals Engineering. 2018. Vol. 116. pp. 107–113. 11. Verkhoturov M. V., Amelin S. A., Konnova N. I. Diamond beneficiation : Tutorial. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Krasnoyarsk : IPK SFU, 2009. 207 p. 12. Petrova L. G., Timofeeva G. Yu., Demin P. E., Kosachev A. V. Basics of electrochemical corrosion of metals and alloys : Tutorial. Moscow : MADI, 2016. 148 p. 13. Timofeev A. S., Dvoychenkova G. P., Nikitina Yu. N. Experimental validation of volume reduction in rough concentrates after dense medium separation of diamond-bearing mate rials by the fraction and mineralogy analyses. Modern Problems of Integrated and Deep Processing of Natural and Manmade Minerals : International Conference Proceedings (Plaksin’s Lectures–2022). Vladivostok : Izdatelstvo Dalnevostochnogo federalnogo universiteta, 2022. pp. 209–211. 14. Agrosì G., Nestola F., Tempesta G., Bruno M., Scandale E. et al. X-ray topographic study of a diamond from Udachnaya: Implications for the genetic nature of inclusions. Lithos. 2016. Vol. 248-251. pp. 153–159. 15. Monastyrskiy V. F., Makali n I. A. Improvement of the effectiveness of X-Ray luminescent separation of diamond-bearing raw materials. Nauka i obrazovanie. 2017. No. 3. pp. 86–90. 16. Demchenko A. P. Introduction to Fluorescence Sensing. Vol. 1: Materials and Devices. 3rd ed. Cham : Springer, 2020. 673 p. 17. Chanturia V. A., Morozov V. V., Dvoichenkova G. P., Chanturia E. L. Increasing the recoverability of diamonds in the process of X-ray luminescent separation using phosphor-containing compositions. Ustoychivoe razvitie gornykh territoriy. 2022. Vol. 14, No. 3(53). pp. 410–421. 18. Goryachev B. E., Chekushina T. V. Modern estimate of process properties of refractory and nonconventional raw materials bearing noble metals and diamons (reviews of Plaksin’s Lectures). Tsvetnye Metally. 2005. No. 1. pp. 20–23. 19. Myazin V. P., Narkelyan L. F., Trubachev A. I. Geotechnical analysis of ores and their processibility. Ore Processing. Irkutsk : IrGTU, 2002. pp. 150–155. 20. Smolnikov V. A., Bychkova G. M., Spetsius Z. V. Promising methods of enhanced diamond floatability. Gornyi Zhurnal. 1999. No. 5. pp. 33–36. 21. Chanturia V. A., Dvoichenkova G. P., C hanturia E. L., Timofeev A. S. Stimulation of separation of difficult diamond-bearing raw materials from primary, placer and manmade deposits. Journal of Mining Science. 2022. Vol. 58, Iss. 5. pp. 783–795. 22. Dvoichenkova G. P., Kovalenko E. G., Timofeev A. S., Podkamennyi Yu. A. Enhanced efficiency of diamond foam separation after complex removal of hydrophilic slime coats from diamond surface. GIAB. 2022. No. 10. pp. 20–38. |