Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Training of mining engineering at the Mirny Polytechnic Institute–Division of the Ammosov North- Eastern Federal University using end-to-end digital technologies
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.02.16
Автор Egorova A. A., Zarovnyaeva S. S.
Информация об авторе

Mirny Polytechnic Institute–Division of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Mirny, Russia

A. A. Egorova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, nastyaegorova@mail.ru
S. S. Zarovnyaeva, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


Under the conditions of intensive integration processes in the world community, globalization of science and technology, digital transformation of almost all spheres of professional detail, the formation of digital competences of students acquires special importance in the educational process at universities, in particular at technical universities. The article discusses the experience of implementing end-to-end digital technologies in the training program for students of the Mining Engineering Department at the Polytechnic Institute (Division) of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University. The article describes the program of the discipline “Introduction to Digital Technologies”. The program of the discipline, which aims at familiarizing students with end-to-end digital technologies; ensuring basic readiness of students to successfully apply digital data in various activities; formation of forward thinking in the field of advanced technological and economic ways of organizing human activities based on digital solutions; formation of competence in determining the needs of economic sectors in applying “end-to-end” technologies is described. A list of domestic software products on the topics of the discipline is given. The main end-to-end digital technologies used to work with operating systems and resources, calls and training, conducting webinars, collaboration of remote teams, working with documents, conducting surveys, creating tests, games, crossword puzzle designer, surveys, creating lending, quizzes, dialog simulators, crossword puzzles, interactive presentations and video games are presented. The digital educational technologies enjoy wide application at the Mirny Polytechnic University to stimulate training process, and to enhance informativity, interactivity and efficiency of learning. Training of the to-be mining engineers complies with the novel trends in the digital economy.

Ключевые слова End-to-end technologies, platform digital solutions, neurotechnologies, artificial intelligence, distributed registry system (blockchain), quantum technologies, sensorics, virtual and augmented reality technologies
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