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ArticleName A few results of dynamics of inertial-impact machinery in pit wall slope trimming
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.04.07
ArticleAuthor Kulikova E. G., Lantsevich M. A., Morozov A. V.

Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

E. G. Kulikova, Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
M. A. Lantsevich, Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. V. Morozov, Researcher


In the conditions of the increasing depth in open-pit mining, a special attention is paid to the stability of pit wall slopes and to the safety of mining at pit bottoms. The measures aimed at reinforcement and stabilization of structural elements in open pits include systematic trimming of pit wall slopes using various equipment, including excavators and surface milling machines. Developed at the Chinakal Institute of Mining SB RAS, the inertial-impact method of rock destruction uses conversion of the kinetic energy of impact elements (hammers), hinged on the axes of the rotor, into the impact energy. In contrast to surface milling, after transfer of the kinetic energy to the destruction surface, the hammers rotate relative to the axis of their fastening and deviate from the position of free rotation. The level of vibration transmitted to the supporting elements of the hammer rotor is reduced as a consequence, and it becomes possible to use it as a replacement of implements of demolition excavators capable of slope trimming at a height of up to 40 m. Operation of two types of impact elements in destruction of samples having compression strengths of 3.6 MPa and 9.5 MPa is compared. The effect exerted by the hammer type, and by the angle and speed of impacts on the treated surface of the test material samples on the productivity of the process and on the amplitude of the vibration transmitted from the contact area to the supporting elements of the hammer rotor is determined.
The study was carried out within the R&D project, project state registration no. 121052600390-5.

keywords Slope trimming, inertial impact, hammer rotor, degradation, impact speed, impact angle, productivity, supporting elements, vibration amplitude

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