Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Optimization of energy consumption in milling ditch edges in pit card fields by ditch edge cutter
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.04.08
Автор Yablonev A. L.
Информация об авторе

Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia

A. L. Yablonev, Head of Department, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, alvovich@mail.ru


The milling method of peat extraction involves layer-by-layer cutting of surfaces of card fields, drying of the milled chips and collecting them into storage units (stacks). The strips adjacent to the drainage ditches of peat cards are left untreated by milling machines, as a rule, due to the high humidity and reduced load-bearing capacity of these sites. The so-called ditch edges are formed as a result, and they grow with each subsequent extraction cycle, which makes it difficult to remove surface moisture and hinders the normal course of the peat extraction process. In production practice, this problem is solved either by complete profiling of the surfaces of card fields with wide-cut profilers—a very energy-intensive operation, or by treating the ditch edges using special edge cutters (ditch edge profilers)—an operation that is much less energy-intensive, quick to perform, and, accordingly, is the most preferable. The well-known and widespread models of ditch edge cutters PRF-240 and PR-1 can treat only one edge in one pass, which is very unproductive, so we have developed the concept of a ditch edge cutter capable of treating two ditch edges on the two sides of a card field in a single pass. The development required experimental studies to justify the angle of the cutter from the position of optimal energy intensity. The studies were carried out at the Tver State Technical University using modern digital strain gauge equipment. In the present study, which contains a detailed description of the methodology, as well as features and results of the experiments, this angle of 20° is justified from the position of the optimal energy intensity of milling a peat deposit.

Ключевые слова Peat production field, ditch edge cutter, milling cutter, peat chips, card ditch, milling energy intensity, strain gauging
Библиографический список

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