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ArticleName Influence of dump truck body design parameters on working efficiency of bulldozers on dump piles
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.04.09
ArticleAuthor Glebov A. V.

Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russia

A. V. Glebov, Deputy Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


The parameters and characteristics of geotechnical facilities have influence on the technical and economic performance of the mining enterprise as a whole. The market presents a fairly large number of process equipment of different standard sizes and models of the same standard size, i.e. analogs, produced in different countries of the world. This causes difficulty in choosing the most rational model due to a wide range of the main parameters and characteristics of process equipment. The manufactured models of dump trucks of the same load-carrying capacity differ by up to 15–25 % in the design parameters and specifications, by up to 50–60 % in the cost/performance ratios per individual open pit mines (productivity, fuel and tire consumption, mileage before decommissioning), and by up to 40–50 % in their prices. The author has studied and proved the necessity to select dump trucks with regard to their geometrical parameters which have influence on working efficiency of bulldozers on dump piles. In particular, when selecting a rational model of a dump truck from the list of machines of a certain load-carrying capacity for a certain open pit mine, or in designing new models, it is required to perform the technical and economic assessment of the truck body design parameters in the truck unloading on a dump with regard to the integrated index K and the cost of bulldozer work in pushing rocks down the dump slope at different dump heights.
The study was carried out within the framework of State Contract No. 075-00412-22 PR. Topic 1 2022–2024) Methodological Framework for the Strategy of Integrated Solid Mineral Development in the Context of Geotechnical System Trend, Code FUWE-2022-0005, Reg. PTNI No. 1021062010531-8-1.5.1, Reg. No. 123012300005-3.

keywords Dump truck, design parameters, dump, unloading, bulk rock, bulldozer work, productivity, efficiency.

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Language of full-text russian
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