Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Dynamics and spatial distribution of black carbon emissions in the Murmansk Region
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.04.11
Автор Maksimova O. V., Korobleva M. V.
Информация об авторе

NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia1 ; Academician Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Environment, Moscow, Russia2

O. V. Maksimova1,2, Leading Researcher, Associate Professor, o-maximova@yandex.ru


NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia
M. V. Korobleva, Master’s student


The authors analyze the data on black carbon emissions in the Murmansk Region in accordance with the Community Emissions Data System which produces consistent estimates of global air emissions. It is found that the higher contribution to the total emission comes from the sectors of transport, residence, commerce and industry. The spatial distribution of black carbon emissions in the area of the Murmansk Region is examined. The dynamics of the estimates is studied over the period of 30 years (1985–2014). The correlation with the programs of reduction in harmful emissions from the major plants in the region since 1985 is revealed. In particular, the decreasing trend is observed in the total black carbon emission in 2009–2014, which is connected with the introduction of advanced technologies and with the improvement of production processes. For another thing, free open data sources show that since 2014 and up to the present moment, the decrease in emission of major pollutants from stationary and mobile sources takes place in the Murmansk Region. The mining industry is one of the biggest consumers of carbon, including the Murmansk Region. Black carbon has a short life in atmosphere and contributes to warming in a short term, thus, reduction of its emissions may produce an appreciable effect in the nearest years. In connection with this, monitoring of black carbon emissions with verification using the other data bases is a relevant objective.
The study was carried out within the topic set by the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgidromet) : Topic AAAA-A20-120021090098-8 Methods and Technologies for Estimation Monitoring of Anthropogenic Emission and Absorption of Greenhouse Gases and Short-Lived Climate Forcers.

Ключевые слова Black carbon, emission sources, mining industry, monitoring, verification, environment
Библиографический список

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