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Economics and Finances
ArticleName Improvement of management of business processes of metallurgical enterprises based on transformation of analysis
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.04.11
ArticleAuthor V. S. Vasiltsov, M. S. Krasovsky, V. M. Vasiltsova, A. V. Sushinskaya

Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia

V. S. Vasiltsov, Dr. Econ., Prof., Dept. of Economics and Management (E&M), Business School, e-mail:
M. S. Krasovsky, Postgraduate Student, Dept. of Economics and Management (E&M), Business School, e-mail:
V. M. Vasiltsova, Dr. Econ., Prof., Dept. of Economics and Management (E&M), Business School, e-mail:


Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia1 ; Severstal Management, Cherepovets, Russia2
A. V. Sushinskaya, Master’s Student, Dept. of Economics and Management (E&M), Business School1, Manager2, e-mail:


In order to increase the efficiency of business process management in the context of a systemic crisis in the global ferrous metals market and the rapid deterioration of access to foreign technologies and investments, a set of theoretical and applied areas for management transformation is proposed. The essence of business processes is clarified. It has been determined that they create added value not by interacting separately with the internal or external environment, but within the framework of the company’s functioning business system. The necessity of updating the applied aspects of analysis is substantiated on the basis of a uniform understanding of the business process as an object of management and the application of the principles and tools of Agile flexible management to find “bottlenecks” in their constituent elements. The model of continuous improvement of business processes (PDCA) has been updated through the transition from a linear management method to a flexible one (Agile approach), where improvement extends both to the elements of the business process and to the analysis and evaluation tools used when monitoring intermediate KPI indicators. Methods for integrating proposed elements, methods and parameters of performance monitoring into Agile analysis using technologies for working with large databases (big data) and advanced business process automation systems RPA (Robotic process automation) are considered.

keywords Ferrous metallurgy, business processes, business system, methods of analysis and evaluation, improvement of management, Shewhart-Deming cycle, Agile method, improvement algorithm

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