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ArticleName Diversification of oil and gas companies in Russia using alternative energy sources in the conditions of decarbonization
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.05.04
ArticleAuthor Romasheva N. V., Petrov I. V., Fadeev A. M.

Luzin Institute for Economic Sciences, Kola Science Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia

N. V. Romasheva, Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences
A. M. Fadeev, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Economic Sciences

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia1 ; Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia2

I. V. Petrov1,2, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences,


The growth of CO2 emissions owing to industrial and economic recovery and due to the further increase in energy consumption makes it necessary to implement various initiatives to decarbonize the economy and the energy sector. The oil and gas industry is a major emitter of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, so further decarbonization of oil and gas companies, including through the integration of renewable energy sources into production activities, is relevant. This study presents the authors’ vision of the classification of alternative energy sources, and identifies the main implemented and planned alternative energy projects of oil and gas companies in Russia. The alternative energy is an energy which is generated not using mineral fuel, and includes the atomic energy and the energy from renewable sources. However, the generally accepted classifications miss hydrogen, which is considered as a principal alternative of mineral fuel in the world, and ammonia. The main types and directions of diversification of activities at oil and gas companies using alternative energy sources are defined. The current trends and the experience of using alternative energy sources are described per sectors of the process chain in the oil and gas business (upstream, mildstream, downstream). Efficiency of diversification of an oil and gas company is analyzed as a case-study of construction of a hydrogen and ammonia plant.
The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 22-78-10181 Decarbonization of the Oil and Gas Sector in Russia: Concept, New Interfaces, Challenges, Technological, Organizational and Managerial Transformations,

keywords Oil and gas company, projects, emissions, carbon dioxide, integration, diversification, alternative energy sources, hydrogen, simulation modeling, economic efficiency

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