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Heating and Heat treatment
ArticleName Thermoelectric effect in the sensors of iron and steel industry
DOI 10.17580/chm.2024.05.09
ArticleAuthor A. M. Belenkiy, E. E. Dmitrieva, E. A. Khadzaragova, S. I. Chibizova, A. S. Yakovleva

North-Caucasian mining and metallurgical institute (State technical university), Vladikavkaz, Russia

A. M. Belenkiy, Dr. Eng., Prof., Dept. of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals and Automation of Metallurgical Processes, e-mail:

E. A. Khadzaragova, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals and Automation of Metallurgical Processes, e-mail:


JSC SPP “Tekhnotsentropribor“, Moscow, Russia
E. E. Dmitrieva, General Director, e-mail:

A. S. Yakovleva, Metallurgist Engineer, e-mail:


University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow, Russia
S. I. Chibizova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Energy-efficient and Resource-saving Industrial Technologies, e-mail:


The main stages in the development of the thermoelectric effect (t.e.m.f.) are outlined, starting from its discovery at the beginning of the 19th century by Theodor Seebeck to the creation of modern means of measuring various parameters based on its use. Almost the first review of important areas of application of t.e.m.f. is presented. in measuring instruments (MI) for temperature control; heat flow measurements; control of the composition and structure of metals and alloys; control of melt composition; sorting (dividing, sorting) samples by brand; control of decarbonizing activity of baths and gas atmospheres of furnaces; control of heat treatment processes; in power sources for powering equipment and signal sensors. A classification of thermoelectric methods for monitoring the parameters of units and objects of metallurgical production has been developed and presented. On Earth and in space, in fact, the largest number of parameters and quantities are controlled and controlled by devices and systems whose operation is based on this effect. Among the key achievements of mankind, such as the taming of fire, the creation of the wheel, the first automatic devices (trap, crossbow, snare), metallurgy, steam engine, airplane, rocket, television, computer, one should include the discovery of T. Seebeck, which is a new direct source of electricity, and, in some cases, no additional energy is needed to generate it, since in the environment and in thermal units there is usually a temperature difference and waste heat. This discovery ensured the explosive development of science and technology based on diverse and numerous controlled high-temperature processes.

keywords Thermoelectric power, metallurgy, measurement, temperature, composition, structure, operational control, technological process

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