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ArticleName A method for cleaning the surface of gas turbine engine blades from chromium, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt and tungsten oxides using reducing properties of hydrogen
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2024.05.08
ArticleAuthor Fomina D. D., Poilov V. Z., Gallyamov A. N.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), Perm, Russia
D. D. Fomina, Teaching Assistant of the Department of Chemical Technologies, e-mail:
V. Z. Poilov, Head of the Shared Use Center of Knowledge-Intensive Chemical Technologies and Physical and Chemical Studies, Professor of the Department of Chemical Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail:
A. N. Gallyamov, postgraduate student of the Department of Chemical Technologies, e-mail:


In view of prospects for using hydrogen as an additive to aviation mixed fuel, there is a need for studying its effect on components of heat-resistant nickel alloys used for manufacturing parts of gas turbine engines. The article describes a thermodynamic assessment of the possibility of the interaction between hydrogen and the components of heat-resistant nickel alloys: aluminum, titanium, nickel, chromium, cobalt, tantalum, tungsten and molybdenum. Operating gas turbine engines entail corrosion products (oxides of the stated metals) and microcracks formed on the surface of parts as a result of the influence of gas. There is a currently developing procedure for repairing gas turbine engine blades, whose surface should be cleaned from formed oxides of metals and microcracks. To carry out the thermodynamic assessment, the authors calculated the Gibbs energy within a temperature range of 273–2273 K, and reviewed literature. The thermodynamic analysis has showed that hydrogen interacts with titanium at 227–927 K and tantalum — up to 273 K, for ming relevant hydrides. Hydrogen interacts with other metals at high pressure. Chromium(III), chromium(VI), nickel, molybdenum and cobalt can be reduced with hydrogen in a full temperature range, and tungsten oxide starts reacting with hydrogen at 1173 K. The experiments showed that the nickel oxide reduction rate was 93.75%, and the reducing process was accompanied by forming nickel grains, 2–3 μm in size.
The results were obtained by fulfilling the state order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for basic research (project FSNM-2023-0004).

keywords Hydrogen, hydrogen treating, heat-resistant nickel alloys, blade, gas turbine engine, reducing process, hydride formation

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Language of full-text russian
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