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ArticleName Professor P. P. Weimarn, founder of the science of nanotechnology: development of works in the field of nanodispersed metals production
DOI 10.17580/nfm.2024.01.10
ArticleAuthor Syrkov A. G., Kushchenko A. N., Maslennikov A. A.

Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, Saint Petersburg, Russia

A. G. Syrkov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Technical Physics, Head of Nanotechnology Centre, e-mail:
A. N. Kushchenko, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Assistant of the Department of General and Technical Physics, e-mail:
A. A. Maslennikov, Student of the Geophysics Department, e-mail:


300 years of the Russian Academy of Sciences
145 years since the birth of P. P. Weimarn,
professor at the Saint Petersburg Mining Institute

This article is dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian physicochemist Peter Weimarn (1879–1935). The article is the final in the cycle of papers cited in the Large Russian Encyclopedia (dated April 5th, 2023), which review the priority scientific works of P. Weimarn in the field of nanotechnology (dispersoidology, according to Weimarn). The specific aim of the article is to compare the scientific and publication activity of Peter P. Weimarn in different periods of his activity (St. Petersburg, Mining Institute; Yekaterinburg-Vladivostok; Japan). In addition, the aim was to analyze P. Weimarn’s innovations in the production of nanodispersed non-ferrous metals, especially in the period 1922–1930 in Japan, and to compare Weimarn’s developments with modern methods in this field. It is revealed that the student Peter Weimarn had at least 3 joint articles with the Russian academician, Prof. N. S. Kurnakov (1860–1941), who was P. Weimarn’s supervisor in 1902–1908. In his works of 1910–1915. P. Weimarn anticipated some conclusions and provisions that Associate Member of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) V. B. Aleskovsky formulated in 1952–2006. Academicians of RAS N. Kuznetsov, V. Novotortsev, V. Kalinnikov in 2012–2014 confirmed the priority of Peter Weimarn’s works in the field of nanotechnology science. Currently, at the St. Petersburg Mining University, P. Weimarn’s research on the extraction and production of metal nanostructures continues under the supervision of RAS Corresponding member, Prof. T. Aleksandrova. These facts show that, starting from 1902; RAS members have nurtured, confirmed the outstanding level of work for the world science and continued the research of Peter Weimarn. All this is a worthy contribution to the history of RAS to its 300th anniversary. It has been established that after leaving St. Petersburg for the Urals (1915) and further to the East (1919–1935) the quantitative characteristics of article publication did not practically deteriorate. In 1916–1935. P. Weimarn published about 170 articles (49% of the total number (350)). More than 30 percent of all papers were published in Japan during the 1922–1930 period. Being a mining engineer, who received a serious training in metallurgy at the Mining Institute (1900–1908), in Japan Peter Weimarn purposefully developed methods for the preparation of colored solutions of nanodispersed gold. His achievements in the study of crystallization and coagulation of colloidal metals (Au, Ag, Cu, Se, etc.) were highly appreciated by his famous contemporaries in Russia, Japan and Germany, as well as by researchers in the XXI century. The formaldehyde method, developed by P. Weimarn, is actively used by nanotechnologists, and Peter Weimarn’s laws are used in metallurgy, physical and colloidal chemistry in the XXI century.

The authors thank the graduate student Ngo Quoc Khanh, students Bogdanova S. A. and Fedorova M. A. for technical assistance in the collection and processing of material, in preparing it for publication.

keywords Peter P. Weimarn, science priority, nanometallurgy, colloidal gold, formaldehyde method, reproducible synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences

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Full content Professor P. P. Weimarn, founder of the science of nanotechnology: development of works in the field of nanodispersed metals production