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ArticleName On the problem of processing of manganese wastes from ore beneficiation: preparation of a single-component charge for ferromanganese melting
DOI 10.17580/cisisr.2024.01.02
ArticleAuthor N. K. Dosmukhamedov, E. E. Zholdasbay, E. B. Tazhiev, A. A. Argyn

Satbaev University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

N. K. Dosmukhamedov, Cand. Eng., Prof., e-mail:
E. E. Zholdasbay, Ph. D.
E. B. Tazhiev, Ph. D., Senior Lecturer, e-mail: (Corresponding author)
A. A. Argyn, Ph. D.


Large volumes of wastes from beneficiation of manganese ores, dispersed iron and carbon-containing sludges are accumulated at large concentrating and metallurgical plants. Millions of tons of manganese wastes have been accumulated at the Dzhezdinsky mining and concentrating plant. Processing of small and dispersed metal-containing industrial wastes cannot be carried out via conventional technology. Development and implementation of the new technology for the processing of these wastes into valuable metal alloys is a very urgent problem. The highly efficient technology for the preparation and assembling of charge based on manganese wastes from beneficiation of manganese ores at the Dzhezdinsky mining and concentrating plant has been developed. The device for air-gravitation beneficiation of manganese wastes has been developed, which makes it possible to obtain a manganese-containing product with a high manganese content (up to 28 %). The method of stage-by-stage preparation of complex fine mixtures (with fraction less than 1 mm), consisting of manganese wastes, mill scale and charcoal, is shown, with substantiation for each operation with determination of the optimal parameters (temperature, consumption of components, etc.) is displayed. The composition of the final single-component charge obtained in the form of granulated pellets is given. Comprehensive analytical studies of intermediate and final products were performed using atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma and X-ray phase analysis. It ensured step-bystep quality control of the products obtained during preparation of the single-component charge. The results of the research will be used for the preparation and efficient processing of fine manganese wastes from the Dzhezdinsky mining and concentrating plant in Kazakhstan for production of high-quality alloys that are demanded on the domestic and world markets.

The researches were carried out within the framework of grant financial support from the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan Republic for 2023–2025, for priority direction “Geology, mining and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and constructions” of the project AP19576391 “Development of the innovation technology for manufacture of new alloys from accumulated non-conditional multi-component chromium- and manganesecontaining wastes”.

keywords Manganese wastes, air gravitation beneficiation, mill scale, charcoal, carbon, reduction, mixture, single- component charge, granulated pellets

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Full content On the problem of processing of manganese wastes from ore beneficiation: preparation of a single-component charge for ferromanganese melting