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ArticleName Institute of Mining of FEB RAS: 40 years in service to science and a new stage of development
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.06.01
ArticleAuthor Rasskazov I. Yu., Shulyupin A. N.

Khabarovsk Federal Research Center, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia

I. Yu. Rasskazov, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Institute of Mining, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia

A. N. Shulyupin, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


For the mineral mining process to be safe and efficient, it needs advanced high-productive and environmental technologies of extraction and deeper conversion of minerals, as well as scientific supervision of operations at all stages of field development. The increased intensity of mineral mining in Russia’s Far East in the second half of the twentieth century demanded large-scale and integrated investigations to be performed. For solving basic and applied research problems connected with mineral extraction in Russia’s Far East, in 1983 in Khabarovsk, the Institute of Mining of the Far Eastern Branch RAS was founded. The Institute still remains the only academic science institution in the sphere of mining in the vast and wealthy area of Eastern Russia. The article tells the story of the Institute and describes the major landmarks in its development over the 40 years-long period. A large amount of research on opencast and underground geotechnology, high-effective mining machine engineering, ore processing and placer mining, geomechanics, geoecology and other fields of mining sciences is highlighted. The research findings are described. At present, the Institute is engaged in research aimed at: mechanisms and processes of mineral mining in the Far Eastern Region of Russia; geomechanical and environmental essentials of interaction between natural and technical objects in geosystems; new technologies of complete extraction of valuable components in solid mineral mining and deep conversion. The Institute hosts prosperous schools concerned with problem-solving in mining natural and manmade placers of noble metals and with ground control in underground mineral mining in difficult geological condition, including rockburst hazard. New schools are currently being launched to focus on technologies of integrated processing of ores and manmade mineral-bearing materials, and on development of high-temperature geothermal resources.

keywords Russia’s Far East, mining sciences, geotechnology, geomechanics, mineral processing, geoecology, mineral resources and mineral reserves

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