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ArticleName Development of georesources of Russia’s Far East: Recent aspects and future considerations
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.06.03
ArticleAuthor Arkhipova Yu. A.

Institute of Mining, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabarovsk, Russia

Yu. A. Arkhipova, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences,


The analysis of the development of the mining industry in the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia per regional areas was carried out based on statistical data from the Federal State Statistics Service. It is noticed that at the regional scale, the external effects on the development of the industry show up differently. In terms of the indexes of industrial production and volume of shipped goods of own production, there is a decline in most regions. Despite external restrictions that constrain economic activity, industrial companies are adapting to new conditions, and the compulsory restructuring of supply chains and the search for new markets are in progress. Mineral mining in the Far Eastern Federal District over the period 2018–2021 is described. It is emphasized that there is a need for own production of complex ores (lithium, nickel, copper, platinum, etc.), the reserves and resources of which are sufficient in the Far East to create facilities for metal production and co-extraction. The ongoing investment projects in the field of mining and processing of minerals in the Far Eastern Federal District are presented. The possibility of developing a project with potentially high demand for the production of lithium concentrate is discussed. Lithium reserves and resources in the region are sufficient to create production and manufacture high value-added products. In the meanwhile, there is currently no commercial-scale production of lithium in the Russian Federation. The mineral wealth development in the Far East can help implement import substitution of lithium products in Russia. The problems associated with the development of lithium deposits and their solutions are described.

keywords Mining companies, commercial production, mineral mining, investment projects, Far Eastern Federal District

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