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ArticleName Geomechanical assessment of mineral deposits based on 3D modeling
DOI 10.17580/em.2024.01.07
ArticleAuthor Baibatsha A. B., Shaiyakhmet T. K., Bashilova E. S., Fedotenko N. A.

Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Baibatsha A. B., Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Shaiyakhmet T. K., PhD Student
Bashilova E. S., PhD Student


Research Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Moscow, Russia
Fedotenko N. A., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


Protection of geological environment and safe development of mineral deposits is based on the data on their geological and geotechnical conditions. The research used the geological, experimental and mathematical methods and the modern computer technology. The deposit observations were carried out in underground mine workings, and geological documentation of exploration logs was carried out with appropriate testing and processing of the data obtained. With the intensification of mining operations, the volume of open mined-out space increases, the roof rocks disintegrate, and the support pillars get damaged and fail. These phenomena can lead to large-scale man-made disasters if geological and geotechnical conditions of mining are neglected. The quantitative and qualitative geological and geotechnical assessment of a mineral deposit is based on its 3D geological model. The research results were tested in an operating mine.

The research was supported by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Project No. AP14870909.

keywords 3D deposit model, geomechanics, geological and geotechnical conditions, rock mass, database, stability of mine workings

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Full content Geomechanical assessment of mineral deposits based on 3D modeling