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ArticleName Chemical composition of native gold at the gold-bearing Kedabek copper sulphide deposit
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.02
ArticleAuthor Efendieva Z. Dzh., Guseinov G. S., Mammadli A. F.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

Z. Dzh. Efendieva, Professor, Doctor of Sciences,
G. S. Guseinov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


Curtin University: West Australian School of Mines, Canberra, Australia
A. F. Mammadli, Doctoral Student


A question of the present interest in modern geological science is typomorphism of native gold. Native gold is not only a commercial value object but also a mineral indicator of formation conditions of a deposit. The chemical composition (gold fineness, impurity elements) of native gold is analyzed. This information is required in the studies of mineral zonality and in determining stages of ore emplacement at the gold-bearing Kedabek copper sulphide deposit. Gold fineness study is complicated by high variability of gold content within the deposit and even within individual ore bodies. For this reason, the authors had to analyze each gold grain to specify the data on gold fineness at the test deposit. Gold grains were sampled at different depths and properly treated. Gold fineness was determined at the Physicochemical Laboratory of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, and the impurity elements in the composition of native gold were analyzed. The found impurity elements in native gold have a high practical significance. The typomorphic features of native gold, including the content and amount of impurity elements, are used in estimation of an erosional truncation level and an exposure degree of ore bodies. The local native gold contains Ag and some impurity elements, namely, Сu, Fe, Sb, As, Bi, Zn, Pb, Мо and Hg. The research findings afford ground to assume a certain influence of the Kedabek deep fault on the formation of the test deposit. The data on the content and amount of impurity elements in native gold allow presuming formation of the Kedabek ore at shallow depths.

keywords Gold, chemical composition, gold fineness, impurity elements, microprobe analysis, histogram, deposit, sign

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