Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №7 →  Назад

Название Determination of petrophysical parameters of productive reservoirs based on well logging data
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.03
Автор Kerimova K. A., Khalilova L. N.
Информация об авторе

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan
K. A. Kerimova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, kifageo.com@mail.ru
L. N. Khalilova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


The application of the existing research systems is of great importance in assessing the lithological composition and lithological correlation of well sections, determining the saturation, porosity, permeability and clay content of reservoir-forming sections constituting a formation, as well as in solving such important tasks as identifying oil and gas-bearing and water-bearing formations. The complexity of solving such crucial tasks is entirely dependent on the petrophysical properties of reservoir formations. For example, the proximity of resistivity values of oilbearing and water-bearing formations leads to a high clay content in the field, and a wide range of porosity, as a result, creates difficulties in distinguishing oil-bearing and waterbearing collectors from each other. On the other hand, it is known that an increase in the amount of cementing clays in reservoirs leads to a decrease in porosity (Kp) and to an increase in residual water. In connection with this, this study used a set of well data to evaluate the petrophysical parameters of reservoirs. Additionally, models were constructed to reveal correlation between these parameters, and regression equations based on the statistical distribution of these parameters were developed. The article also presents the model patterns of porosity, permeability, clay content, and oil and gas saturation per well sections. The study of the poro-perm properties of reservoirs based on the constructed models, along with determining the interrelation between petrophysical parameters provides information about a mineral deposit, as well as the theoretical and working knowledge. The well sections of the Gyurgyan–Deniz field were chosen as the object of study. The focus of the research was on the Kirmaky (KS) and Under-Kirmaky (UK) productive series.

Ключевые слова Water saturation, permeability, effective porosity, volumetric clay content, regression equation, petrophysical model, productive series, reservoir
Библиографический список

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