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ArticleName Petrography of terrigenous and clay rocks in the Dostlug field area
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.04
ArticleAuthor Ibragimova S. I., Teimurzade L. T., Abdullaeva V. G., Agamalieva G. K.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

S. I. Ibragimova, Assistant,
L. T. Teimurzade, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
V. G. Abdullaeva, Assistant
G. K. Agamalieva, Master ’s Degree Student


The article describes geology of the Dostlug deposit in the center of the Absheron–Near-Balkhanian zone in the west of the Caspian Sea, in the Dostlug anticlinal fold. The Dostlug field is partly explored by the long-term geological and geophysical studies. Deep wells intersected the Pliocene anthropogenic sediments in this area. The Pliocene sediments represent the productive strata. Most of hydrocarbon reserves are accumulated in the Lower Pliocene strata. The integrated lithological research in the Dostlug field provided new information on the lithology of the productive strata. The contour maps of the roofs of the Kirmaky, Balkhanian and Pereryv series were adjusted. The geological and geophysical studies of clay rocks were carried out in the normal and high pressure conditions, and the pore and reservoir pressures were analyzed. The petrophysical characteristics of rocks were determined from log data, supposed resistivity and well capacity. Seismic evidence was also involved. The petrophysical studies used mathematical transformations of well capacity curves and core data. It is shown that there is a linear relationship between the porosity and the well specific capacity curve calculated from exploratory drilling data obtained in the Dostlug field. The oil and gas accumulation estimate at the object of study is amended in the geological and geophysical database of sedimentary rocks. 3D models were used to assess the underlying rock mass porosity, which enabled characterization of reservoir properties of the productive strata.

keywords Dostlug field, productive strata, terrigenous and clayey deposits, petrophysical properties, oil and gas accumulation, reservoir properties, study, analysis

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