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ArticleName Some features of local structures and their reservoir properties in the South Caspian Basin
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.07
ArticleAuthor Rzaeva S. M., Abdullaeva V. K.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

S. M. Rzaeva, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
V. K. Abdullaeva, Lecturer


Some features of folding of the South Caspian depression are considered. The drilling data confirmed the unity of the Absheron and Balkhan folded zones in the Pliocene complex of rocks and allowed them to be combined into a single Apsheron–Balkhan tectonic zone. The Apsheron–Balkhan anticline zone is divided into two subzones—the Absheron and Prichelekenskaya, the boundary between which is conditionally drawn according to the structure of the Kyapaz (Promejutochnaya), which occupies a significantly reduced hypsometric position relative to both subzones. The tectonic elements of the anticlinorium, adjoint to the studied local uplifts, have very complex structural relationships, which is due to a combination of folding movements in the latitudinal (all-Caucasian) and meridional (Caspian) directions. The increased development of local uplifts led to the erosion of their arched parts, partial destruction and reformation of hydrocarbon accumulations. As a result of the analysis, a regional correlation scheme of the Khali, Chilov, Azi Aslanov, Palchig Pilpilasi, Neft-Dashlari and Oguz is determined. It is found that the sandiness in the anticline line of Khali–Kyapaz increases from the Khali deposit, reaches a maximum in the fields of Guneshli–Chirag–Azeri and decreases relative to the area of the Kyapaz. The located oil and gas reservoirs of the Lower Pliocene (its bottom) in the areas of Novkhany, Ashrafi and Garabag, as well as the large hydrocarbon reservoirs of the Lower Pliocene in the southeastward areas afford ground to presume probable oil and gas occurrence in the other areas as well. Natural reservoirs in the local uplifts within the Apsheron Archipelago can be saturated with hydrocarbons irrespective of the time of origin.

keywords Tectonic zone, folding, anticlinal structure, fold, deep fault, mud volcanism, fold limbs

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