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Название Geodynamic formation conditions and lithofacies features of sedimentary cover in the Apsheron–Near-Balkhanian tectonic zone
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.08
Автор Pogorelova E. Yu., Abdulla-zade M. Ch.
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Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

E. Yu. Pogorelova, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, yy_pgrlova@mail.ru
M. Ch. Abdulla-zade, Lecturer


The South Caspian Mega Basin (SCMB), one of the world’s major oil and gas basins, originated as a natural consequence of lithospheric evolution in the central segment of the Alpine–Himalayan orogenic belt (AHOB). The mega basin includes the deepest and most rapidly buried depression of the same name on the Earth’s surface and its two centriclinal troughs, the Kura and West-Turkmen troughs. Despite the relatively brief history of formation and development (about 150 million years), the SCMB has undergone a complex and multistage evolution. The most striking peculiarity of the mega basin is a stable area of subsidence and sedimentation. The process of formation of the sedimentary basin and its outline continues (subsidence, compression, sedimentogenesis, mud volcanism, folding, sea level fluctuations, etc.). The study of the Earth’s crust, clarification of the nature of its consolidated part, and decipherment of the origin and evolutionary development conditions of the sedimentary basin are essential for the development of its hydrocarbon resources. The main goal of the geodynamic analysis is to study sedimentary basins as integral natural objects, to determine their genesis, structure and stages of evolution, to classify sedimentary basins and to predict their oil and gas potential. It is well known that the changes occurring in the Earth’s crust are mainly the result of subcrustal processes and interaction between adjacent plates. The type of the crust underlying a sedimentary basin determines the physical framework, stability, tectonic reorganization and depositional conditions throughout the basin evolution. The article also describes the lithofacies characteristics and reservoir properties of the productive series (PS) in the study basin. The lithologic and stratigraphic analysis of the deposits of the Absheron–Near-Balkhanian tectonic zone indicates the facies variability of sedimentation conditions in PS, and the change of the fluvial and deltaic genesis to the coastal–marine and lagoonal genesis. According to some researchers, at the Absheron Threshold and on the Absheron Peninsula, sediments of the Kala (KS), Postkirmaki (PK) and Prekirmaki sandy (PKS) formations, as well as the Fasila suite and the lower parts of the Balakhani suite are referred to predominantly deltaic sediments.

Ключевые слова South Caspian Basin, Absheron–Near-Balkhanian tectonic zone, threshold, geodynamic regime, productive series, stratigraphic range, lithofacies, thrusting
Библиографический список

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