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ArticleName Lithological partitioning of the Fasila suite cross section and detection of oil and gas intervals in the Gunashli Oilfield
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.09
ArticleAuthor Zeinalova S. A., Abdulla-zade M. Ch., Shakhbazov R. A.

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan

S. A. Zeinalova, Lecturer,
M. Ch. Abdulla-zade, Lecturer
R. A. Shakhbazov, Assistant Chemist


The main large hydrocarbon deposits of Azerbaijan are concentrated in the South Caspian Basin (SCB). Despite the super-high prospectivity of the central segment of the South Caspian Basin, the issues related to the deep-level recovery of hydrocarbons are still relevant. In the conditions of offshore oil and gas fields, due to significant capital expenditures connected with well drilling and construction of hydraulic structures, the issues of accuracy of hydrocarbon reserve appraisal are of particular relevance. The objective and reliable information on oil and gas reserves of offshore fields largely predetermines the strategy of the further development. Compared to other offshore fields of Azerbaijan, the Gunashli oilfield holds rich oil and gas reserves. The field has a complicated tectonic structure due to numerous longitudinal and transverse faults. The geological structure represents the Neogene–anthropogenic sediments to 4300 m thick. The Fasila suite is a reservoir holding the largest oil reserves. Lithologically, the reservoir is composed of coarse and medium size sand and siltstone rocks with thin clayey interbeds. The purpose of the work is to evaluate feasibility of efficient development of residual resources at the current stage of extraction, and to select an optimal well network and operating procedures at maintained hydrodynamic balance in the field (reservoir pressure, drainage areas, etc.). Geology and tectonic faulting of the field is studied. The field is divided into oil and gas objects of extraction, and additional measures for the effective development of residual resources are discussed for each object.

keywords South Caspian Basin, Gunashli oilfield, Fasila suite, correlation, reservoir pressure, water cut, well, reservoir

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