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ArticleName Assessment of sedimentary environment of oil and gas reservoir formation in the Sea of Okhotsk
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.10
ArticleAuthor Kerimov V. Yu., Shatyrov A. K.

Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, Moscow, Russia

V. Yu. Kerimov, Head of Department, Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Honored Geologist of Russia,
A. K. Shatyrov, Engineer


Appraisal drilling in the most promising zones of downfolds at the outskirts of the Okhotsk Sea Plate showed a sensible difference in their oil and gas potential. The largest oil and gas reservoirs are discovered on the east shelf of the Neogene Paleo-Amur delta in the North Sakhalin oil and gas province limited by the Schmidt zone of uplifts. This site features an optimal combination of lithological and structural factors for oil traps to form, as well as the spatial connection of oil and gas source rocks and enclosing rocks. Beyond the delta in the aquatic area studied via drilling in the Sea of Okhotsk, either claying or silting of the local productive series takes place. The analysis of deposition conditions in sedimentary basins in the aquatic area of the Sea of Okhotsk allows assessment of sedimentary environment for oil and gas reservoirs to form. There are three types of sedimentary basins in the studied region. The basins of the first type are characterized by an optimal combination of sedimentary, geodynamic and structural tectonic conditions. In the Sea of Okhotsk, these are the sedimentary basins of the North Sakhalin and, to a lesser extent, the Deryugin basin. The sedimentary basins of the second type are located near the mainland or island coasts. Many basins of the Far Eastern Seas can be attributed to this type. In particular, in the Sea of Okhotsk, these are the basins of the North Okhotsk and West Kamchatka shelf zones. The sedimentary basins of the third type, which include the Central Okhotsk Group of continental and uneven depressions, and subbasins of Tinro and Deryugin, are far and isolated from the continental sources of ablation of terrigene clastic rocks, and represent mainly marine clay or clay–siliceous sediments. The primary areas for geological exploration are the first-type sedimentary basins or sub-basins in the aquatic area adjacent to the northeastern and eastern parts of the Sakhalin Island.

keywords Hydrocarbons, basin analysis, sedimentary environment, sea, oil, gas, reservoirs, turbidites

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