Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №7 →  Назад

Название Environmental pollution as a result of geological exploration at the Filizchay pyrite–polymetallic deposit
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.07.12
Автор Gulieva G. A.
Информация об авторе

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan
G. A. Gulieva, Head of Laboratory, Doctoral Candidate, gulnaraquliyevaa@gmail.com


Over the years, there has been a steady increase in the impact of mining and mineral development on the ecosystem. The development of ore deposits is mainly accompanied by a negative impact on many components of the environment, as a result of which large areas of land are temporarily or irrevocably withdrawn from agricultural use, the condition of water resources deteriorates, the air arou nd mines, processing plants and metallurgical plants is polluted, and landscapes with abnormal content of macro and micro components are gradually formed. Powerful manmade sources include tailings dumps, industrial sites, re sidential areas, emergency tanks, dumps, quarries, etc. All this leads to violation of the natural equilibrium in a region. One of these regions is the Filizchay pyrite–polymetallic deposit. It is the main deposit of the Tufan metallogenic zone of the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus and has been under exploration for many years. The Filizchay ore is traced to a distance of 1175 m along the strike and 800–850 m along the dip. The complexity of ore composition and the need for the integrated development serves as the basis for a more in-depth study of the Filizchay deposit, which is one of the largest deposits in the world, unique both in terms of resources and rich elemental composition of ore minerals. Its reserves were approved by the USSR State Reserves Committee in 1983. The deposit is of great interest due to the large industrial significance of these formations.

Ключевые слова Azerbaijan, sulphide polymetallic deposit, minerals, ecology, pollution, pyrite, environment
Библиографический список

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