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ArticleName Oil and titanium potential of the Yarega field. Part 2. Titanium ore mining and processing
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.08.04
ArticleAuthor Taraskin E. N., Terentiev S. E., Podoinitsyn S. P., Andreev D. V.

PermNIPIneft, Perm, Russia

E. N. Taraskin, Category I Engineer,
S. E. Terentiev, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
S. P. Podoinitsyn, Head of Department
D. V. Andreev, Director of Management, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The current demand of the Russian industry for titanium is to a great extent met at the cost of compulsory import. The top priority today is activation of domestic mining and highlevel processing of titanium ore, including the Yarega field. In the recent decade, cardinally new flow charts of titanium ore opening and processing are projected, tested and approved on an industrial scale, with later extraction of oil and with flotation-based production of leucoxene concentrate. Experience gained in chemical production shows that TiO2-based coagulants manufactured from quartz–leucoxene feedstock using the chloride technology are promising for water treatment. The real-life testing of the sample coagulants proves their high-tech efficiency in conditioning of different-type water and are reasonably capable to replace conventional coagulants. The range of adopted coagulants includes a few kinds differing by the content of TiO2. Titanium coagulants with the high content of TiO2 ensure better purification of natural and industrial water but feature a high cost and heavy precipitation. Complex coagulants have the content of TiO2 less by a few times but display admissible efficiency in conditioning of tank water highly contaminated with mechanical impurities and oil. Another advantage of complex coagulants is their applicability to manufacture gel-forming mixture for wrapping wet strata.

keywords Heavy oil, titanium ore, TiO2, flotation, titanium coagulant, complex coagulant, liquid waste, gel

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