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ArticleName ESG score calculation procedure: A case-study of ALROSA company with state participation
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.08.06
ArticleAuthor Petrov I. V., Novoselova I. Yu.

Institute of Finance and Industrial Policy, Faculty of Economics and Business, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

I. V. Petrov, Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences,
I. Yu. Novoselova, Chief Researcher, Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences


In recent decades, Russia has been actively developing a methodological framework for the ESG rating of companies, especially export-oriented ones. Rating agencies are developing their own approaches to evaluating ESG criteria. The analysis of the applied approaches revealed common shortcomings inherent in all rating agencies. Among such disadvantages, the most important are the lack of consideration of specific regional features in the area of responsibility of companies, as well as the use of a simplified method of evaluating the integral criterion for the subsequent formation of an ESG rating of companies. The authors have developed an algorithm for assessing the priority of the ESG criteria groups used with regard to the peculiarities of the environmental or social situation in a region using a matrix approach and Saaty’s scale. The priorities of the environmental issues in ESG ratings are evaluated as a case-study of some companies belonging to ALRO SA. The results obtained correspond to the most important tasks of improving the environmental situation in the regions of presence of the companies in question. Due to the transparency of the approach and its simplicity when implemented in Excel, these calculations can be included in existing methodological materials for the ESG scoring carried out by practitioners. Despite the fact the rating agencies use different systems of criteria, the proposed approach to the priority evaluation is applicable to all criteria alternatives. It is important that the resultant priorities of ESG criteria take into account regional peculiarities in the zones of responsibility of the test companies.
The article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

keywords ESG criteria, sustainable development mechanisms, companies with state participation, priorities, multiсriteria evaluations, lexical evaluations, scales, regional problems, inverse-symmetric matrix

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Language of full-text russian
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