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ArticleName Calculation of loads on cutting picks and moments in gears of shearer drums in cutting hard rock inclusions
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.08.08
ArticleAuthor Linnik Yu. N., Linnik V. Yu.

State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

Yu. N. Linnik, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
V. Yu. Linnik, Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences,


Efficient shearer cutting of structurally complex seams with large hard rock inclusions depends in many ways on operating reliability of assembly units and components exposed to maximal loading when shearer drums run against large hard rock inclusions. In cutting hard rock inclusions, peak loads arise on cutting picks and then are transmitted to gears of shearer drums, which reduces their reliability. Experimental research findings allowed calculating maximal loads in cutting hard rock inclusions with regard to effect of cutting parameters and cutting pick design, on the one hand, and enabled using the obtained relations in the strength analysis of cutting picks and in the determination of maximal moments in gears of shearer drums. The calculation of the maximal loads on cutting picks of shearer drums during cutting of hard rock inclusions should take into account the cutting conditions and pattern, as well as the cutting pick geometrics. The strength analysis of cutting picks should include maximal cutting, feed and side forces. Determination of maximal dynamic moment in gears of shearer drums and the static strength analysis of gear elements should be carried out at the maximal possible average-peak force of cutting.

keywords Сutting pick, shearer, shearer drum, hard rock inclusion, cutting pattern, geometrics of picks, static strength, gear elements, dynamic moment

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