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ArticleName Methodology for decoding remote sensing data of the Earth's surface in the development of natural and technical systems of subsoil use
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.08.09
ArticleAuthor Galchenko Yu. P., Kalabin G. V.

Academician Melnikov Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources—IPKON, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Yu. P. Galchenko, Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
G. V. Kalabin, Chief Researcher, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The paper substantiates and proposes methods of geoinformation transformation of remote sensing data of the Earth’s surface into indicators reflecting changes in the ecological state of the biota of natural ecosystems in areas affected by man-made factors of mining. The general idea of the proposed methodology is the homeostatic transformation of the obtained data on changes in the reflectivity of the external surface of plant complexes into indicators characterizing the photosynthetic activity of this surface in the form of a general or seasonal increase in biomass. In this case, the criterion for the degree of technogenic degradation of the phytocenosis becomes the change in the leaf index (or the degree of defoliation), and the integral informative indicator is the dynamics and trends in the change in the quality of the synthesized biomass. An integral indicator is proposed in the form of a coefficient of technogenic change in biota and for the first time a definition of the concept of ecological sustainability of phytocenosis and a methodology for its quantitative assessment are given. A methodology has been developed for determining the characteristics of the process of demutation succession of natural ecosystems in the post-operational period of the existence of a mining enterprise.

keywords Space monitoring, data, remote sensing, surface, methodology, indicators, phytocenosis, ecological state, stability, demutation, post-mining period

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Language of full-text russian
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