Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2024 →  №9 →  Назад

Название Recent trends in oil and gas geology software modeling
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2024.09.04
Автор Nefedov Yu. V., Vostrikov N. N., Gribanov M. A., Yashmolkin A. M.
Информация об авторе

Empress Catherine II Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Yu. V. Nefedov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, yurijnefedov@yandex.ru
N. N. Vostrikov, Student
M. A. Gribanov, Student
A. M. Yashmolkin, Student


The article reviews the range of advanced software systems used in geological modeling of oil and gas reservoirs. Particular attention is given to the strategies of software development companies under conditions of the stringent digital control on the global software market. The scope of the analysis embraces the competitive advantages of the best software systems Petrel, tNavigator and Geoplat Pro in application in Russia. For instance, Rock Flow Dynamics’ product tNavigator is a modular-sized package developed for the 3D modeling of oil and gas reservoirs, and for the hydrodynamic and geomechanical computations. Schlumberger develops Petrel platform integrated in cloud-based software environment DELFI, which provides extended computational capabilities and allows access to various cloud functions. Artificial intelligence technologies are the critical component in prediction of properties of geological and seismic sections. GridPoint Dynamics has actualized advanced machine learning tools at a high level in product Geoplat Pro. The cooperation of Schlumberger with Yandex.Cloud is discussed for the benefit of deployment of IT environment ruDELFI as per the Russian legislation. The forecast of the further development of the software system within the frames of the Russian market and law is made. The Russian companies are anticipated to progress dynamically, with introduction of innovative solutions and with pushing the range limits of product capabilities. The authors discuss the ways of raising the competitive capacities of Russian software products through integration and adaptation of advanced technologies to the specifics of the Russian market. It is emphasized that development and application of domestic software ensures technological independence and improved ability of the oil and gas sector.
The authors appreciate participation of D. A. Gribanov, Post-Graduate Student at the Empress Catherine II Saint-Petersburg Mining University in this paper preparation.

Ключевые слова Software system, Petrel, tNavigator, DELFI, geological modeling, Geoplat Pro, Rock Flow Dynamics, Schlumberger
Библиографический список

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