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Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, Уфа, Россия
Ганиев Р. И., инженер-исследователь, radmirganiev@mail.ru Аглиуллин А. Х., д-р техн. наук, доцент Исмаков Р. А., д-р техн. наук, проф. Дебоер Л., инженер-исследователь |
Библиографический список |
1. World Energy Outlook 2023. International Energy Agency, 2023. 355 p. 2. Khabibullin I. A. Improvement of Drill Cuttings Transport in Horizontal Drilling : Dissertation of Candidate of Engineering Sciences. Ufa, 2008. 160 p. 3. Khuzin R. R. Improvement of the reliability of operation of downhole sucker-rod pumps in complicated operational conditions. Oborudovanie i tekhnologii dlya neftegazovogo kompleksa. 2019. No. 6(114). pp. 16–19. 4. Iktisanov V. A. Description of steady inflow of fluid to wells with different configurations and various partial drilling-in. Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 243. pp. 305–312. 5. Likhushin A. M. Technology of Slant Well Cleaning from Drill Cuttings in Drilling in Complicated Conditions : Dissertation of Candidate of Engineering Sciences. Saratov, 1998. 172 p. 6. Naganawa S., Nomura T. Simulating transient behavior of cuttings transport over whole trajectory of extended-reach well. IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition. Bangkok, 2006. ID SPE-103923-MS. 7. Andrianov N. I. Improvement of Well Cleaning from Drill Cuttings to Prevent Difficulties in Incompetent Rock Drilling : Dissertation of Candidate of Engineering Sciences. Stavropol, 1994. 180 p. 8. Doan Q. T., Oguztoreli M., Masuda Y., Yonezawa T., Kobayashi A. et al. Modeling of transient cuttings transport in underbalanced drilling (UBD). SPE Journal. 2003. Vol. 8, Iss. 2. pp. 160–170. 9. Cameron C. Drilling fluids design and management for extended reach drilling. SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference. Bahrain, 2001. ID SPE-72290-MS. 10. Shelkovnikova Yu. N. Well Flushing Quality Control by Monitoring and Adjustment of Rheological Characteristics of Drill Mud : Dissertation of Candidate of Engineering Sciences. Izhevsk, 2020. 162 p. 11. Lysakova E. I. Impact of Added Nano Particles on Drill Mud Flow : Dissertation of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences. Krasnoyarsk, 2022. 148 p. 12. Lykhin P. A., Usov E. V., Ulyanov V. N., Kayurov N. K., Chukhno V. I. Predictive modeling of sludge removal when drilling an inclined well. Avtomatizatsiya, telemekhanizatsiya i svyaz v neftyanoy promyshlennosti. 2018. No. 9. pp. 52–57. 13. Skoff G., Mahfoudh F., Jeong C., Makarychev-Mikhailov S., Petryshak O. et al. Machine learning-based drilling system recommender: Towards optimal BHA and fluid technology selection. SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition. Stavanger, 2023. ID SPE-212559-MS. 14. Ismakov R. A., Agliullin A. Kh., Ganiev R. I., Deboir L., Asfandiyarov I. R. et al. FlowMax circulating sub is an effective solution for drilling of directional wells. Burenie i neft. 2023. No. 4. pp. 18–21. 15. Islam M. R., Hossain M. E. Drilling Engineering: Towards Achieving Total Sustainability. Sustainable Oil and Gas Development Series. Cambridge : Gulf Professional Publishing, 2020. 800 p. 16. Erge O., Van Oort E. Modeling the effects of drill string eccentricity, pipe rotation and annular blockage on cuttings transport in deviated wells. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. Vol. 7 9. ID 103221. 17. Zhou J., Tian S., Zhou L., Xian X., Zhang C. et al. Effect of sub-/super-critical CO2 and brine exposure on the mechanical and acoustic emission characteristics of shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2021. Vol. 90. ID 10 3921. |