ArticleName |
of geodynamic safety of mining at the North Urals bauxite deposits
at great depths |
ArticleAuthorData |
Poligor LLC, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
D. V. Sidorov, Deputy CEO for Science, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
PTUR LLC, Severouralsk, Russia M. A. Shadrin, Chairman of Board of Directors, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
SUBR JSC, Severouralsk, Russia R. G. Minzaripov, Deputy Operations Manager for Rock Bursts |
Abstract |
Activation of geodynamic processes leads to unforeseeable accidents in deep-level mining, which necessitates the problem of geodynamic safety to be solved art SUBR’s mines in order to minimize jerky deformation effect on an orebody by levelling and redistribution of stresses. The factors that influence on formation of rockbursthazardous conditions during mining at the North Urals bauxite deposits are discussed. The package of prediction and prevention activities to avert tectonic and rock bursts is described. The scientific approaches to geodynamic safety improvement in the conditions of the jerky deformation behavior of blocky rock mass are introduced. For the geodynamic safety enhancement in deep-level mining at the North Urals bauxite deposits, the 2024–2025 coordination program “Geodynamic Safety of Deep-Level Mining at SUBR” is implemented. The jerky deformation behavior of rock mass in the geodynamic risk zone is recommended to be realized with regard to the mining development in time and space using dedicated software program PRESS 3D URAL. The analysis of the model data and instrumental measurements offers insight into the stress–strain behavior of rock mass and its distribution in time and space, which, in its turn, allows transition to geodynamic prediction and zoning. It is recommended to use the size detection procedure for geodynamic influence zones nearby various-rank faults and the procedure of rock mass stress diagnostic by the direct geological relations (intersection of differently oriented joints, displacements and strains, etc.). |
References |
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