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ArticleName Development of flotation methods in the enrichment of mining chemical and rare metal raw materials of the Kola Peninsula
DOI 10.17580/tsm.2025.01.02
ArticleAuthor Mitrofanova G. V., Chernousenko Е. V., Pospelova Yu. P., Lapinskaya К. V.

Mining Institute of the Kola Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia

G. V. Mitrofanova, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail:
Е. V. Chernousenko, Senior Researcher, e-mail:
Yu. P. Pospelova, Senior Technologist, e-mail:
К. V. Lapinskaya, Senior Technologist, e-mail:


The research results by the Mining Institute of the FRC KSC RAS in the field of flotation processing method were shown. The applications of the domestic collectors in technology of processing of the mining chemical and rare metal mineral raw materials were provided. The influence of the proportion of phosphoric acid esters in the collecting mixture composition on the apatite flotation performance from apatite-nepheline ore of the Khibiny deposits was shown. An example of obtaining apatite concentrate from poor apatiteforsterite ore from one of the Kovdor deposits (3.56% P2O5) was given. With the optimal ratio of the collector and regulator in the collecting mixture the apatite concentrate was obtained with content of 37.2–37.9% P2O5 and recovery of 73.9–74.7%. The flotation results with a reagent from the class of N-acylated amino acids were presented. From fine-grained technogenic apatite-carbonate mineral (8.96% P2O5) the apatite concentrate was obtained with content of 33.5–34.5% P2O5 and recovery of 30.1–34.6%. During ankylite ore flotation from the Petyayan-Vara carbonatite field (11.5% ΣTr2O3) the ankylite concentrate containing 32.0–33.4% ΣTr2O3 was obtained with recovery of 60.8–64.7%. The results of usage of octyl hydroxamic acid in direct perovskite flotation from the non-magnetic fraction of perovskite-titanomagnetite ore of the Afrikandskoye deposit (10.8% TiO2) were shown. In a closed circuit perovskite concentrate was obtained with content of 48.65% TiO2 and recovery of 77.8%. Reverse nepheline flotation from gravity concentration tailings of loparite ore processing waste (23.2% Al2O3) was carried out using octyl hydroxamic acid. Nepheline concentrate containing 28.06% Al2O3 with recovery of 83.7% was obtained.

keywords Flotation, the Kola Peninsula ores, apatite concentrate, ankylite concentrate, perovskite concentrate, nepheline concentrate

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