ArticleName |
The effect of asymmetric rolling
on aluminum alloy of 5XXX series with scandium |
ArticleAuthorData |
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
М. А. Nikitina, Engineer of the Laboratory for Mechanics of Gradient Nanomaterials named after A. P. Zhilyaev, e-mail: А. М. Pesin, Professor of the Department of Materials Processing Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, e-mail: L. V. Nosov, Engineer of the Laboratory for Mechanics of Gradient Nanomaterials named after A. P. Zhilyaev, e-mail: D. О. Pustovoitov, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Processing Technologies, e-mail: |
Abstract |
One of the trends in the development of aluminum alloys of the Al – Mg system is to increase strength without increasing density by introducing additives of rare earth metals, such as scandium, which, due to dispersion hardening, can significantly increase the conditional yield strength. The main disadvantage of scandium–containing alloys (Al — 2% Sc) is their high cost, which attempts to reduce at the moment have not led to a significant reduction in the cost of finished products. The high cost of semi–finished products is a deterrent to the use of Al – Sc alloys in various industries. One of the ways to reduce the cost of semi-finished products is to reduce costs during their production. The replacement of symmetrical rolling with asymmetric rolling in the last passes of hot and cold rolling is considered, which significantly reduces the number of passes.The research was carried out on a thermally non–deformable aluminum alloy of the Al – Mg – Sc system of the 1545K grade. Rolled semi-finished products using standard technology and asymmetric rolling were manufactured at the DUO 400 laboratory-industrial double-roll mill of the laboratory for mechanics of gradient nanomaterials named after A. P. Zhi lyaev of Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University. Asymmetric rolling has significantly reduced the force per pass; compression in one pass has become higher than with standard technology. The obtained mechanical characteristics and the study of the microstructure indicate the positive effect of the asymmetric rolling method on the properties of the 1545K aluminum deformable alloy. The research was carried out with the support of RSF grant (agreement No. 22-49-02041). |
References |
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