ArticleName |
High-tech titanium-based casting
alloy for shipbuilding |
ArticleAuthorData |
National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Prometey Central Scientific Research Institute оf Structural Materials, Saint Petersburg, Russia
V. P. Leonov, Deputy General Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences N. F. Molchanova, Senior Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences
JSC Zelenodolsk Plant named after A.M. Gorky, Zelenodolsk, Tatarstan, Russia М. N. Saubanov, Chief Metallurgist, Candidate of Technical Sciences, e-mail:
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R. E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia I. О. Leushin, Head of the Department of Metallurgical Technologies and Equipment, Doctor of Technical Sciences |
Abstract |
The analysis of the influence of the aluminum content and controlled impurities on the casting and mechanical properties of the Ti-3.75Al titanium alloy was performed. The chemical composition of the TL3 casting alloy was optimized and a new casting titanium alloy with an increased complex of casting and mechanical properties and technological weldability was developed, based on the results of the analysis. A batch of castings, characterized by good quality, a sufficiently high level of mechanical properties and high stability from melting to melting was made from the new alloy. It was found that the quality of titanium castings depends on many factors: the chemical composition of the alloy, the temperature range of crystallization and the thermal cooling conditions of the casting during the solidification period. The volumes of draw contraction cavity and shrinkage porosity formed during solidification of castings, which affect the quality of titanium castings, also depend on the conditions of casting formation and the thermophysical properties of the metal and shape. Titanium casting alloys used in industry have a relatively small crystallization temperature range, usually not exceeding 50 оC. Oxygen and nitrogen increase the surface tension of titanium and reduce occupancy. The combination of aluminum and a small number of low-concentration stabilizing elements (silicon, iron, vanadium) provides complex microalloying by grinding the microstructure and increases the occupancy rate of small channels of molds. The results of determining the characteristics of plasticity, the destruction of the weld metal and the occupancy of cylindrical samples of a cast metal mold madeof a new alloy and, for compari son, a cast titanium alloy of the TL3 grade of industrial production according to regulatory documentation are presented. The developed titanium-based casting alloy is characterized by a high filling capacity of the mold channels, which ensures the absence of lacks of fusion in the body of castings, by high failure rate of the welded joint, which guarantees reliable and safe operation in marine engineering facilities. |
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