Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2010 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Searching potential collectors among hydrazides with regard to flotation of Ural copper-zinc ores
Автор Radushev А. V., Chekanova L. G., Baigacheva Ye. V., Topaev G. D., Komarovsky V. L., Cheremisin S. V.

A possibility for application of new O, N-collectors of hydrazides class in flotation of Ural copper-zinc ores of different types: pyrite with fine dissemination of copper and zinc sulfides, oxidized Cu-Fe-vanadium and mixed (pyrite-copper dis-seminated), is shown. The obtained results are comparable with those achieved with application of potassium butyl xanthate, conventionally used for these purposes. Special features of hydrazide G-18I, that demonstrated the strongest collecting properties, if compared with potassium butyl xanthate, are higher chemical stability and a different sulfur distribution in flotation products.

Ключевые слова Hydrazides, collectors, flotation, copper-zinc ores
Language of full-text русский
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