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ArticleName Problems of fine-dispersed clayey minerals concretion at OAO «Severalmaz» tailings storage facility
ArticleAuthor Kovkova Т. М., Kostrov А. М., Kolenchenko V. V., Uvarov S. А., Zaikov P. P.

Special features of the diamond deposit named after M. V. Lomonosov are characterized, the deposit rocks being substituted by clayey minerals, mostly by saponite. Saponite properties are described: ability to swelling, high content of fine particles smaller than 5-10 microns, extremely low settling rate of particles. Problems of fine-dispersed clayey minerals dewatering are elucidated, and a method for consolidation and clarification of practically non-settling tailings slurry at OAO «Severalmaz» tailings storage facility is proposed.

keywords Diamonds, saponite, fine-dispersed clayey minerals, dispersion, swelling, concretion, flocculant
Language of full-text russian
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