Journals →  Materialy Elektronnoi Tekhniki →  2010 →  #2 →  Back

ArticleName Ferrite materials for high temperature applications
ArticleAuthor T.V. Akimova, D.G. Krutogin, Yu.M. Krayushkina and A.D. Rogovoi,
ArticleAuthorData T.V. Akimova, D.G. Krutogin, Yu.M. Krayushkina and A.D. Rogovoi, (National Research University «MISiS»)
Abstract Temperature responses of magnetic permeability have been studied for several domestic grades of radiofrequency ferrites having prospect for extreme electronics devices operating at 200—250 oC. At least two of these ferrite grades may develop a permeability figure of above 2000 at these temperatures. Shielding the magnetic dispersion stream of ring samples gives potential for an additional 15—30 % increase in magnetic permeability.
keywords Extreme electronics devices, high temperature ferrite, magnetic dispersion stream shielding.
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5. Kuligin, V. A. Rassejanie magnitnogo potoka v ferritovyh kol'cah / V. A. Kuligin, G. V. Kuligina, M. V. Korneva //, 2008. ( pages/9085.html)
Language of full-text russian
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