Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2011 →  №5 →  Назад

Название Out of explosive method of stone block separation from massif
Автор Klishin V. I., Lekontsev Yu. M., Sazhin P. V.
Информация об авторе

Klishin V. I., Senior Research Officer, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, ph.: (383) 217-04-58, Lekontsev Yu. M., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, ph: (383) 217-05-38, Sazhin P. V., Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: pavel301080@mail.ru, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science N. A. Chinakala Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

The description of out of explosive method (technologies and equipment) of stone split with directional (controllable) hydro-explosion for extraction of natural stone blocks has been done.
Ключевые слова Natural stone, blocks, out of explosive methods, directional hydro-explosion, borehole, sealer, multiplier.
Библиографический список

1. Klishin V. I., Lekontsev Yu. M., Sazhin P. V. Sredstva realizatsii bezvzryvnogo razrusheniya gornykh porod rastyagivayushchimi usiliyami (Implementers of non-explosive destruction of rocks by tensions). Third International Conference «Problems and prospects of mining sciences development», Vol. II, Novosibirsk, 2006.
2. Klishin V. I. Adaptatsiya mekhanizirovannykh krepey k usloviyam dinamicheskogo nagruzheniya (Powered supports adaptation to the conditions of the dynamic loading), Novosibirsk : Nauka, 2002.

3. Chernov O. I., Kyu N. G. Eksperimentalnoe izuchenie orientirovannogo razryva tverdykh tel vysokovyazkim flyuidom (Experimental researchings of the oriented rupture of the solids by the high viscous fluid). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh – Journal of Mining Science, 1996, No. 5.
4. Patent 2359124 RF. Shcheleobrazovatel (Chinks former). Klishin V. I., Lekontsev Yu. M., Sazhin P. V., 2009, Bul. No. 17.
5. Patent 2268359 RF. Ustroystvo dlya gidrorazryva porod v skvazhine (Device for the reservoir fracturing of rocks in the chamber). Klishin V. I., Lekontsev Yu. M., Sazhin P. V., 2006, Bul. No. 2.

Language of full-text русский
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