Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2011 →  №5 →  Назад

Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries
Название Study of structure, phase compositions and heat-physical properties of high-alloyed iron with globular graphite
Автор E. B. Ten, A. S. Drokin, S. T. Kaldybaeva.
Информация об авторе Dr. Eng., Prof. E. B. Ten; Ph.D A. S. Drokin, Chair "Technologies of Casting Processes", National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»; S. T. Kaldybaeva, Kazakh National Technical University; edis_ten@mail.ru
Structure, phase compositions and heat-physical properties of ЧЮ22Ш (ChYu22Sh) high-alloyed iron with globular graphite are examined. It is shown that iron is crystallizing as eutectic alloy where eutectic from α-solid solution and graphite makes the base of it's structure. Iron-aluminium carbide is presented as secondary phase. In this case α-solid solution is characterized by 410 HV microhardness and contains appr. 23 % Al, while iron-aluminium carbide with 650 HV microhardness is ε-phase similar to Fe1.5AlCx in its composition.
Ключевые слова High-alloyed iron, structure, phase composition, heat-physical properties, specific heat capacity, heat conductivity, temperature conductivity.
Библиографический список
1. Aleksandrov N. N., Klochnev N. I. Tekhnologiya polucheniya i svoystva zharostoykikh chugunov (The technology of obtaining and properties of heat-resistant cast irons).  Moscow,  1964.  174 p.
2. Spravochnik po chugunnomu lit'yu  (Reference of cast iron). St. Petersburg,  1978.  758 p.
3. Chugun: Spravochnik (Iron: ref.). A. D. Shermana, A. A. Zhukova.  Moscow,  1991.  576 p.
Language of full-text русский
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