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ArticleName Effect of vibratory jaw crusher subsystems mismatch on electric drive operation and crushing results
ArticleAuthor Tyagushev S. Yu., Shonin О. B.
ArticleAuthorData Tyagushev S. Yu., e-mail:
Abstract The results of experimental studies of vibratory jaw crushers (VJC) operating regimes, designed by Research-and-Engineering Corporation OAO NPK "Mekhanobr-Tekhnika", are presented. It is shown, that initial misphasing of jaws oscillations, caused by non-identity of VJC subsystems parameters, noticeably increases in transition to crushing regime, inducing significant decrease in throughput and increase in power consumption. With the view of developing an automatic deviations compensation system for synchro-out-of-phase operation regime, a computerized model of VJC with controlled-velocity electric drive is proposed, in which crushing load effect on operation regime is taken into account by means of extra static moment.
keywords Vibratory jaw crusher, electromechanical system, electric drive, self-synchronization.
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Language of full-text russian
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