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ArticleName Scientific-research accompanying the construction and operation of tailing storages in cryolite area
ArticleAuthor Butyugin V. V.
ArticleAuthorData Butyugin V. V., (3919)42-16-32.
Abstract Positive experience of scientific-research accompanying of the processes of operation of hydrotechnic equipment at tailing storages of Zapolyarny (Transpolar) affiliate of “Norilsk Nickel” is examined. This experience has been accumulated during conducted investigations at the existing objects. The main results of the works are presented, while the positive moment of correct interaction between operating services and scientific departments of Norilsk industrial institute is emphasized.
keywords Norilsk region, industrial wastes, permafrost soils, cryolite area, tailing storage, operating technology, static stability, filtrating stability.
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Language of full-text russian
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