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ArticleName Study of sorption of germanium, zinc and lead on anion-exchange resin
ArticleAuthor Chistyakov A. A., Chirkst D. E., Cheremisina O. V.
ArticleAuthorData Chistyakov A. A., e-mail:
Abstract The method of slag processing at copper-lead production is proposed; it is based on germanium sorption extraction and zinc autoclave leaching. Weak basic anion-exchange resin has been chosen and sorption isotherms of germanium and accompanying lead and zinc have been obtained on sorbite. Thermodynamic description of sorption process on the base of Langmure modified equation has been done. Thermodynamic parameters of the process are determined and the row of sorption ability of the elements is built; it is antibate to variation of value of Gibbs differential power. Hydrochloric acid with concentration 1–2 n is proposed to be used as eluent in regeneration of anion-exchange resin.
keywords sorption leaching, germanium, weak basic anion-exchange resin, sorption isotherms, sorption thermodynamics.
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Language of full-text russian
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