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ArticleName Modeling of diamond−like film formation. Part I: Synthesis from CH3*–radicals
ArticleAuthor V. A. Tarala, B. M. Sinelnikov
ArticleAuthorData V. A. Tarala, South Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciencesand; B. M. Sinelnikov, State Educational Institution "VPO North Caucasus State Technical University".

The results presented in the article are a model of the nucleation and growth of amorphous and crystalline diamond−like materials. The research conducted in this work deals with the role of the partial pressures of hydrogen and methane as well as their radicals on the features of the structure formation of crystalline diamond films. The resulting model expressions show how changing the deposition conditions allows one to increase the growth rate of the layer while maintaining the crystallinity of the material or to increase this rate at a fixed crystallinity of the material.

keywords Simulation, hydrogen and methane pressure, crystalline films, diamond, growth rate.

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