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Upon equipment wear under conditions of vibration and impact load
Abstract |
It is noted in the article, that many machines for processing natural and man-caused raw materials, like mills, crushers, screens, conveyors, feeders, are operating under conditions of regular vibration and impact loads. The same applies to hydroelectric power units, construction machines and others. It is commonly known, that vibration and impacts are sources of increased risk of parts breakage and even accidents and catastrophes. The article gives attention to the fact, that under the action of vibration and impacts, parts that are in principle mutually stationary, e. g., in bolted and flanged joints, mounting surfaces of rolling-contact bearings, sleeve-shaft systems, leaf springs, gears, couplings, show mutual micro-, and sometimes macro-movableness, and, as a consequence, are subject to wear. Wear rate formulas with empirical coefficients have been obtained at the level of simple physical models. In the physical meaning, this coefficient is wear per unit of energy, consumed in mutual slipping of parts. On the basis of the obtained results, certain recommendations are given with regards to design and repair-and-maintenance service of equipment in question. |
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