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ArticleName GIS technology assessment perspective mineral of resources of the Urals
ArticleAuthor Kornilkov S. V.

Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

S. V. Kornilkov, Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:


In terms of classification the methods of approach to laying informational technologies of preliminary proximate estimation the effective parameters and modes of exploitation are worked out with due regards for properties, indices and parameters of nature-technological geosystems being described. Isolation interacting subsystems such as “The Region of mining”, “The Deposit”, “The Extractive (structural) unit”, “The Processing plant”, “The Mining unit (an open pit, a mine)” made it possible to generate in the oriental way information medium for subsequent mining-geometrical, technological and economic calculations.

The main tasks of the GIS-technologies forming the program of work on progressing mineral raw material base (MRMB) at the stage of preliminary geosystem analysis, are: the purpose search for mineral resources, defining the type of priority programs being realized in the estimated territory (for example, such as “Alloyed steels”, “Power engineering”, “Machine building” and others in the Ural region); grounding the volumes and directions of step-by-step speeded up geodetic survey of the inspected region with proximate geodetic-technological-economic calculations; design-technological preparation of mineral resources combined mining and territories development for the purpose of maximum-possible involving all sorts of resources within the inspected region.

Carried out investigations made it possible to ground the chief theses of the method of construction the pilot geoinformational system (GIS) of monitoring and analysis the mineral raw material base, the system is an integrated geoinformational data base grounded on the ideology of layer-bylayer stating, processing and analyzing properties, indices and parameters of geosystems and their elements under study. The main scientific-practical deductions and recommendations of inter-disciplinary investigations served as the grounds for formation proposals to the technological platform «Solid mineral resources”.

keywords Geoinformational technologies, mineral raw material base, deposits parameters, proximate estimations, complex mineral resources and territories exploitation, the strategy of mining and exploitation

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Language of full-text russian
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