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ArticleName The investigations of stressed-deformed rock mass state modifications in the time domain
ArticleAuthor Zubkov A. V., Biryuchev I. V., Krinitsin R. V.

Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences:

A. V. Zubkov, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:

I. V. Biryuchev, Junior Researcher

R. V. Krinitsin, Researcher


The following specialists of the Institute of Mining Matter of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences participated in this work: Senior Researchers, Candidates of Engineering Sciences Ya. I. Lipin, O. Yu. Smirnov, S. V. Khudyakov and Junior Researcher K. V. Selin.


The behaviour of stressed-deformed rock mass state in the upper earth crust part in time domain that is connected with solar activity and cyclicity are shown. The analysis of a number of large accidents in mines and other objects, that have taken place in the years of maximum rock mass pressure is adduced.

As a result of geomechanical investigations in the Ural mines it was set up that the value of gravitation-tectonic stresses in the rock mass includes the variable (pulsation) component; its variation cycle constitutes 9-12 years and corresponds to solar activity and solar constant cycles. On relative changing the Sun diameter to (3,5–5,2)10–4, the Earth rock mass deforms in step by the value of (2–6)10–4 and pulsation stresses reach 10–20 MPa. The same phenomenon is observed in Siberian mines and world-wide mining regions that points to the Earth crust periodic expansion and oblateness that is to changing the Earth diameter for 3-5 km. This is the main reason for earthquakes periodic activization and break-down of the constructions erected in the rock mass.

According to astrophysics prognosis by 2018 it can be expected that ε0 = 9 · 10–4 and by 2028 ε0 = 11 · 10–4. If the Earth becomes deformed like this, then σтп will reach (30÷50) MPa. The consequence of this phenomenon will be:

considerable destruction of engine-rooms at hydro-electric stations (HEE) erected in deep canyons;

destruction of permanent workings with rock bursts, coal and gas outbursts, occurring everywhere;

catastrophic earthquakes;

rock mass displacements and overlaps in surface faults with multiple intensive destruction of buildings and pipe-lines.

Such events moving in the nearest 10 years will require:

in-ordinary solving geomechanic, technical and technological problems for protection subsurface and surface structures destructions;

periodic maps rescaling, etc.

keywords Stressed-deformed state, solar activity, cyclicity, relative deformation, pulsation stresses

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