Журналы →  Materialy Elektronnoi Tekhniki →  2011 →  №4 →  Назад

Название Silicon single crystal growth from double crucible on «Redmet–90M» pulling
Автор N. A. Verezub, A. I. Prostomolotov
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A. Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS

N. A. Verezub, A. I. Prostomolotov


The numerical simulation of melt flow, heat transfer and the dopant (phosphorus) for growing silicon single crystals of 200 mm diameter from the double crucible in the hot zone «Redmet−90M» is carried out. Double crucible consists of coaxial crucibles of different sizes: the external and internal one. In the bottom of the internal crucible there is the hole of diameter Do = 6 and 12 mm for inflow of the melt from the external crucible. During the growth process doping is made by the granulated silicon and the dopant inside and outside the internal crucible, respectively. Three−dimensional features of a rotating melt flow in the internal crucible, affecting the transport of heat and impurity, are analyzed. It is shown that the problem of a significant decrease of phosphorus concentration in a single crucible due to its evaporation from the open melt surface can be solved by additional doping of the melt in the internal crucible.

Ключевые слова CZ growth, silicon single crystal, «Redmet−90M» puller, double crucible, modeling, heat transfer, impurity diffusion
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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