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ArticleName Study of the regularities of formation and mechanisms of influence of structure on the properties of tem based on Bi and Sb chalcogenides, obtained by the extrusion
ArticleAuthor K. V. Gochua

National Research University «MISiS»

K. V. Gochua


The effect of the initial billet (molded material obtained by zone melting, without grinding and a powder of the same material of 150—200 μm particle size) on the texture of the extruded materials obtained at the given technological conditions is examined. It is shown that no significant difference in the texture of the material is found. The deformation texture and the degree of structural imperfection are studied in order to apply the property anisotropy of TEM and the donor effect to enhance thermoelectric efficiency of the extruded samples. It is established that at the particle size of the initial powder of 150−200 μm electrophysical parameters are maximally implemented and the impact of the «donor effect» on thermoelectric properties was optimal, i.e. the optimal value of the power factor α2σ is obtained. The physical model explaining the mechanism of occurrence of the donor effect in the extrusion process is proposed.

keywords Bismuth telluride, thermoelectric property, structure, texture, efficiency, excess tellurium, extrusion, donor effect.

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Language of full-text russian
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