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ArticleName Effect of isothermal annealing on the optical parameters of lanthanum–gallium tantalate crystals
ArticleAuthor O. A. Buzanov, I. S. Didenko, N. S. Kozlova, A. P. Kozlova, E. A. Skrylyova, N. A. Siminel

OAO Fomos Materials

O. A. Buzanov


National University of Science and Technology MISiS

I. S. Didenko, N. S. Kozlova, A. P. Kozlova, E. A. Skrylyova, N. A. Siminel


The influence of isothermal annealing on the optical parameters (transmission and diffused reflection spectra) of La3Ga5.5Ta0.5O14 (langatate, LGT) crystals was studied. The experiment required using the polar cut {1010} samples made from crystals grown in athmospheres of argon (Ar), argon with oxygen (Ar + 0,5 % O2) and (Ar +2 % O2). The samples were annealed in vacuum and in air at temperatures from 500 to 1000 oC. Additional investigations were conducted using methods of optical microscopy, atomic force microcopy and diffused reflection spectroscopy.

keywords Langatate, isothermal annealing, optic spectroscopy, atomic force microcopy, diffused reflection spectroscopy

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Language of full-text russian
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