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ArticleName Holographic measurement of surface acoustic wave characteristics in crystals
ArticleAuthor V. S. Gurevich, V. E. Gaponov, V. I. Redkorechev, Y. N. Zakharov

Laser Technology Center, Kazakhstan

V. S. Gurevich


JSC “Cripton”

V. E. Gaponov


Applied Physics Institute, Uzbekistan

V. I. Redkorechev


N. I. Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod

Y. N. Zakharov


Holographic interferometry allows visualizing SAW on the entire specimen surface simultaneously and measuring wave characteristics directly. A special method of SAW characteristics measurements by digital holographic interferometry was developed. The use of a picosecond laser allowed registering high frequency SAW two−exposure interferograms, and optical magnification of the CCD input image was used to increase spatial resolution. As a result we reach a sensitivity and resolution of visualization and SAW characteristics measurements that significantly exceeded the commonly known limitations of standard holographic methods.

keywords Surface acoustic waves, holographic interferometry, digital holography

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Language of full-text russian
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