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ArticleName Monte Сarlo simulation of silicon nanocluster formation in silicon dioxide
ArticleAuthor A. N. Karpov, E. A. Mikhantiev, S. V. Usenkov, N. L. Shwartz, A. V. Rzhanov

Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS

A. N. Karpov, S. V. Usenkov, N. L. Shwartz, A. V. Rzhanov


Novosibirsk State Technical University

E. A. Mikhantiev


The process of silicon nanocluster formation during annealing of single SiO layers and multilayer SiO2—SiO—SiO2 structures or after Si deposition on silicon dioxide substrate was studied. A kinetic Monte Carlo model of silicon nanocluster formation taking into account silicon monoxide formation and dissociation was suggested. Not only temperature and annealing time but also SiO layer thickness determined the nanocluster sizes when SiO2—SiO—SiO2 structures were annealed. Simulation demonstrated that silicon monoxide forming in the Si—SiO2 system at high temperatures plays an important role in the process of nanocluster formation. Silicon monoxide also accounts for some specific features of 3D silicon islands formation during silicon deposition on silicon dioxide surface.

keywords Silicon nanoclusters, Si/SiO2, modeling, Monte Carlo

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